Your Money, Your Way
Simple, fast, private and secure. Make free payments to merchants globally
Add multi-currency wallets to match your global payment needs:

Your digital wallet
Simple services for transparent e-wallet solutions
Orcapay Wallet
Easily sign up, verify your ID and start adding funds with your bank card.
Top-up and Send
Make free multi-currency payments to merchants globally. Secure and private!
Tap to Check Out
Whether in-store or shopping online, quickly scan a QR code to check out securely

Killer OrcaWallets
Use the Orcapay Mobile App to easily deposit funds by bank card to your multi-currency wallet. Next, send funds to Orcapay friends and shop securely in-store or online with trusted merchants
Your Money. Your Business
Orcapay allows you to pay online globally without a bank account, credit card, or disclosing your personal information

No Surprise Fees
No monthly hidden fees, wallet activity requirements or balance minimums here

Secure from Start to Finish
Encryption, security, privacy barriers and fraud detection are behind every transaction

More Coming Soon…
Grow with us. Orcapay is always adding new features to make your experience amazing!

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